On December 21, 2021, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ernst, Rector of the University, and Prof. Dr. Alexandra Albert, Dean of Faculty II, presented the Chairman of our Expert Committee I, Dr. iur. Christoph Schmidt, his certificate of appointment as Professor (W2) for life at the University of Public Administration and Finance Ludwigsburg.
Due to his transfer to Baden-Württemberg on 01.01.2022, the IDSt will lose Prof. Christoph Schmidt as a member from the tax administration. However, Faculty II (Tax and Business Law), where he now teaches Tax Procedural Law, offers the Bachelor’s degree program “Senior Service in Tax Administration”. Thus, the administrative connection is maintained regardless of the career change.
We are all curious to see in what form Prof. Christoph Schmidt will bring his interdisciplinary research interests, which motivate him to work at the interface between law and computer science in the IDSt, to the university’s Institute for Applied Research.
According to his own statement, his concern is to make an active contribution to digitization in tax law: “If the currently identifiable tax automation and digitization potential is used in a targeted manner, the caterpillar can develop into a butterfly. Otherwise, at best, we will get a faster caterpillar.”
The IDSt would be pleased to hear about any cooperative research projects. We congratulate Christoph Schmidt on his appointment and wish him a successful start in Baden-Württemberg!